Mind the grass, not the salad.
byThe concept of ‘desire path’ is crucial in wayfinding studies. Desire paths, also known as paths of least resistance, are the paths created when…
The concept of ‘desire path’ is crucial in wayfinding studies. Desire paths, also known as paths of least resistance, are the paths created when…
Generally speaking, people sees handicap or disability as a set of conditions – such as an illness or injury – that prevents someone to do the things…
Speedometers come in a range of formats. Some are purely digital; most are analog. Digital speedometers have the cognitive advantage of an immediate and…
Affordances, affordances, affordances! When one of the authors of this blog had his apartment renovated, he had to make sure that the baby grand…
Every day we navigate a space designed by others. Or, to be more precise, a series of spaces designed in specific ways to address…
A prayer or a tourist exiting from the main doors of Montréal’s Notre Dame cathedral is visually invited to walk down a flight…
Speed bumps are quite effective in slowing down traffic. Provided they are clearly visible and wear their heart on their sleeve. France uses at…
If you design a new series of objects, you’ll think first of shape – of form. That’s where your design will make a…
After my lecture on wayfinding and typefaces at Paris DEC, last friday, I have received an interesting feedback from my friend Valeria Giardino, a…
Remedial design is rarely something to be proud of as it is often the evidence of a fawlty feature. In the photo above you see…